Your major wealth they are them near 1000 gigantic statues of volcanic stones, the moai. This archaeological patrimony understands pictographies, petroglyphs, megalithic art - including the statues.
Places of interest
Tahai: It is the most important religious political center of the tribe marama, reflects the magnitude and potential so much economically as religious administrative officer of this tribe. It is located to 20 minutes walking along the coastal line towards the north. It is the place most indicated to enjoy the beautiful late afternoons of Rapa Nui. There is constituted of three altars Ahu Vai Uri of 5 moai, Ahu Tahai of an alone moai being that of major antiquity, located in the center and Ahu Ko You Riku with a moai that it presents pukao, which represents the hierarchy of the person who wanted to honor with this sculpture, is the only one moai that is enabled by a reproduction of the eyes of coral by red dross.
Ahus moai: 272 are relied on nowadays ahus, funeral and sacred altars, by a majority in ruins. Opposite to each of the ahus as in Vaihu, Akahanga, Tetenga, One Makihi, Heki'i, Te Peu, Vinapu is easy to find vestiges of the ancient villages.
Tongariki:It is the biggest monument of the islands of the Pacific Ocean with 15 moai whose more high place weighs 88 tons and it measures more of 9m of height. This ahu was restored from 1992 to 1996, thanks to the Japanese company of derricks "Tadano".
Ahu Nau Nau: This ahu located in Anakena's site of the royal tribe "miru" has moais in good condition of conservation.
This ahu was damaged it does little for an unscrupulous tourist, who was condemned and fined severely.
Ahu Ature Huki: East Ahu is located in Anakena's right part. It was raised in 1956 thanks to 12 men islanders in 18 days only by stones, approximately 4 levers and ropes. (It weighs 30 tons).
Ahu Vinapu: This complex has an ahu whose later wall presents a perfection in coupling, seemed to the walls Incas of Cuzco in Peru but it is a question only of an analogy, without any similarity.
Orongo: (Ceremonial village) Located in the south top west of the island, this site(place) restored in the sixties, contains 53 income of houses, dominating the cliff to 300m of altitude. Numerous petroglyphs of the "Tangata Manu" can appreciate in the ceremonial center.
Hanga Roa's cove O'tai:
Beach Anakena: It is a place of scattering and of baths of sea, characterized by his clean, lukewarm water and of color turquoise, the luminosity of the environment and the bottom of sands coralliferous, they are of great attraction. In this beach there ended the expeditionary groups of the Ariki Hotu Matu'a, the first king of the island. It was a center familiar and of political, social and cultural organization of the former leaders and school of the Maori Rongo Rongo, teachers of the ancient writing, extinguished at present, for the foreigners' different incursions and movement of Rapa Nui as slaves out of the island, during last century. The educations of its culture and wisdom remain in the time, according to the familiar common traditions of the existing clans in the island. In this sector two are ahu totally restored, the Ahu Ature Huki and the Ahu Nau Nau, realized by the expedition Kon-Tiki in 1954.
Ovahe beach: It is a small beach, of volcanic origin that is located under Ovahe's cliffs. Its sand is of golden color it product of the mixture of red dross of the coral with the white reigning sands. It is a beach very adapted for the enjoyment of baths of sea with total tranquility.
Volcano Rano Kau: It is located in the south end of the island. His name comes from the words Rano Kau Volcano, au widely, nothing, extensively. In his interior a lagoon exists with an extension of 1 kilometer of diameter, with a depth of your waters, which in a sounding realized in 1947, gave more than 280 meters. In the surface of the lagoon exuberant vegetation of rushes grows and totora.
Volcano Rano Raraku: It is one of the major ones and more valuable archaeological sites of the island, since in it one finds the opened quarry where the carved one of the moai was realized. Here more than 300 monuments exist in process of construction spread so much in the interior as exterior hillside, in what it has been called the way of the moai. It has a height of 100 meters on the level of the sea, in oval form with a crater in your top and an interior lagoon with a depth of approximately more than 50 meters in your deeper part. The Volcano Rano Raraku is shaped by volcanic tufas of gray color ocher, with some differences according to the space of the Raraku, and at the same time, in agreement to your hardness and your homogeneity.
Volcano Poike: It is a zone protected for the ranching and the reforestation. It is possible to enter only travelled.
The Maunga Terevaka: Higher Point of the island with 514m of height, this volcano is accessible only afoot or astride (by foot or astride).
From the top, the panorama is of 360 º. The Rano Aroi, with your small covered lagoon of totora, is a crater worth coming out in photographs.
Volcanic galleries and caves of the sector Ana Te Pahu - Roiho:
Ana Kakenga: Named “The cave of 2 windows “(this cave has a difficult and very dark access). This cave ends in the cliffs opposite to the sea.
Ana Kai Tangata: To the feet of the Rano Kau it has paintings of marine birds in the sky of your entry.
Tunnels of Lava: In several places of the island, specially in the faldeos of the volcano Maunga Terevaka exists tunnels under the lava, very interesting of visiting, specially the cave of both windows. Some of these tunnels have fallen and in your interior numerous species of flora exist.
Submarine sight: It is worth a sorrow realizing skin-diving of apnea specially in the sector of The Perousse, with a nice submarine environment, with corals and many fish of multicolored color. The sector of the Perousse is known of the divers.
The Motu or Islands: Several are observed near the coast being outlined Motu Nui, Motu Iti, Motu Kao Kao opposite to Orongo and they are a reservation of the biosphere, protected and not accessible zone to the tourism; former the islands were a scene of the search of the sacred egg in the ceremonies of the man bird.
Motu Tautara and Motu Marotiri are seen also in other parts of the coast.
Tourist activities
Some activities outdoors more recommended to practice in the island are:
Equestrian Activity: The equestrian activity is one of the alternatives to know Rapa Nui. Astride there can be known places that do not have access with vehicle since it is the whole north top of It Rapa Nui. The reservations can be done directly in the office of the Sernatur.
Photography: Excellent place to come out in photographs and to film the archaeological resources of the island, a place of dream in the insular Chilean territory. Between the recreative possible activities to realize in the island the treks, excursions, visits stand out to the principal cultural resources, swimming and activities of beach, submarine surface fishing and, skin-diving of observation, cavalcades (rental of horses in Hanga Roa).
There exists an interesting path of interpretation of approximately 40 minutes of duration in Orongo's ceremonial village in the volcano Rano Kao, and two paths of excursion. The first one in the volcano Rano Raraku, where the quarries can be seen where there were carved the Moai and several of these already finished statues that were going towards your definitive destination; and another Anakena, with a beautiful tour of the coast of the island
Archaeological places: Undoubtedly the major attraction of the Island they are the Moais, but the obligatory places to crossing, once coming to the Island they are the Rano Kau, Ceremonial Village of Orongo, Vaihu, Rano Raraku, Ahu Tongariki, Ahu Akivi, Ahu Nau Nau, The Perousse, Ahu Tahai among others.
Excursion Complete Total Day:
From $20.000.- additional to the tour fullday you will be able to enjoy an unforgettable adventure. The classic one considers tour fullday, then in the Beach Anakena we embark in yacht Varua Vaika to initiate a voyage up to Hanga Roa, sailing along the north coast of the island, enjoying a snack and accompanied the putting Sun. It comes near about 20:00 hours.
Tour Fullday:
Going out from Hanga Roa's settlement, visiting the coast South-East and North-East; the temples of Vaihu, Akahanga, Tongariki, Te Pito Kura, Nau Nau, Rano Raraku's quarry, Anakena beach, Property in the country Vaitea, return to the settlement. Duration 8 hours.
Half A Day to Rano Kao and Orongo:
It splits in Hanga Roa, there is visited Rano Kau and Orongo's Ceremonial Village. Some operators visit also Vinapu and Hana Kai Tangata. The duration is 3,5 hours.
Half a Day to Ahu AKivi:
It splits from Hanga Roa and Puna Pau, Ahu Akivi and Ana Te Pahu visits (the cavern of the bananas). The duration is 3,5 hours.
The visibility and temperature of the sea that surrounds the Island invites to realizing snorkeling. The places recommended to fulfil this activity are: Beach Ovahe, sector cove Hanga Roa, the Motu, Giant Coral, among others.
Skin-diving: To dive in Easter Island turns out to be an unforgettable adventure, this island, for its volcanic origin, presents a submarine topography composed by caverns, arches, cliffs, platforms of lava, etc, that added to the great quantity of corals, tropical fish, color and clarity of its waters do of the skin-diving, an impressive and fascinating experience. It is not possible to visit Rapa Nui and not to enjoy this marvel. Recommended places Orca and MikeRapu
Tour in Private Yacht:
It can contract a service deprived of yacht by half a day or complete day. In the yacht you will be able to enjoy the sunset, to dive, to go fishing, to realize naturism accompanied of snack and music, these tour are private.
Going out from Tahai, towards the north coast, crossing some caverns and archaeological platforms, to return for the interior (Ahu Akivi), towards Hanga Roa's village. Duration: 3.5 hours.
Path Te Ava O Te Ao, Raised 8 km, 2-3 h. The trek advances for the “path of Chili ", going out of Hanga Roa, along the coast and later on pasture and across shaded forests with pretty landscapes, coming in only 2 to 3 h to the crater Rano Kau. Recommended places Discoverrapanui
In Hanga Roa there are several hotels and residential that offer housing and show restraint. Here also they can find the rest of the services.
Only in Anakena's beach areas exist of camp and it lunches, with 7 sites provided with table, bankings, burners and dust-bins and 5 sites of camp with the same infrastructure and with sanitary.
As for transport there exist rentals of bicycles and horses. In addition the island possesses particular taxis and one that another line of radio taxis, for example Confenatach taxis Confenatach
Where to sleep?
- Explora Hotel (5 stars) Sector Te-Miro Oone w/n Tel: (02) 395-2700 / 03
- Martin and Anita Hotel (2 stars) Av. Simon Paoa Tel/Fax: 210-0593
- Poike Hotel (2 stars) Av. Petero Atamu Tel: 210-0283 / Fax: 210 0366
- Atariki Hotel Av. Tuki Haka Ha Vari w/n Tel: 255-1027
- Chez Cecilia Hotel Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0499
- Chez Joseph Rapa Nui Hotel Av. Avareipua w/n 210-0373 / Fax: 210-0105
- Gomero Hotel Av. Tu´u Koihu w/n Tel: 210-0313 Fax: 255-1662
- Hanga Roa Hotel Av. Pont w/n Fax: 210-0299
- Hostal Chez Maria Goretti Hotel Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0459
- Hotu Matua Hotel Av. Pont Tel: 210-0242 Fax: 210-0444
- Iorana Hotel Av.Policarpo Toro Tel/Fax: 210-0312
- Manavai Hotel Av. Te Pito Te Henua Tel: 210-0670 Fax: 210-0658
- Manu Tara Hotel Hotu Matua w/n Tel: 210-0397Oceania Rapa Nui Hotel Av. Tu'u koihu s/n Tel: 210-0356
- Orongo Aester Island Hotel Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0572 Fax: 210-0294
- O´Tai Hotel Av. Te Pito Te Henua Tel: 210-0250 Fax: 210-0560
- Taha Tai Hotel Av. Policarpo Toro Tel: 255-1192 / 255-1193 Fax: 255-1194
- Tauraa Hotel Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel/Fax: 210-0463
- Topa Ra`a Hotel Av.Hetereki w/n Tel: 210-0225
- Victoria HotelAv. Pont Tel/Fax: 210-0272
- Mataveri Inn Av. Mataveri w/n Tel/Fax: 210-0565
- Anariki Av. Tuki Haka He Vari w/n Tel: 210-0335
- Cabañas Christophe Av.Mataveri w/n Tel: 210-0826
- Kaviroa Av.Tuki Haka He Vari w/n Tel: 210-0460
- Kitai Av.Atamu Tekena Tel: 210-0595 / 255-1516 Fax: 210-0641
- Kon Tutty Av. Ara Roa Raikei w/n Tel: 210-0570
- Koreto Av. Tahai w/n Tel: 255-1201
- Mana Nui Inn Av. Tahai w/n Tel: 255-1658 Tel/Fax: 210-0811
- Mana Ora Sector Hinere w/n Tel: 20-0769
- Mana´u Av. Tuki Haka He Vari w/n Tel: 255-1900
- Napohe Av. Ara Roa Raikei w/n Tel: 255-1169 Fax: 207-8455
- Pikera Uri Sector Tahai w/n Tel/Fax: 210-0577
- Vai Moana Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0626
- Vaikapua Av. Te Pito Te Henua w/n Trl: 210-0377
- Vaianny Tuki Haka He Vari w/n Tel: 210-0650
- Vai a Heva Av. Hotu Matu´a w/n Tel: 210-0655
- Rei Miro Av. Policarpo Toro w/n Tel: 210-0763
- Rano Kau Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0432 / Fax: 210-0351
- Rano Aroi Av. Tu'u koihu w/n Tel: 210-0233
- Raioha Av. Te Pito Te Henua w/n Tel: 210-0851
- Petero Atamu Av. Petero Atamu w/n Tel: 255-1735 / 210-0399
- Katarahi Av. Hotu Matua w/n Fax: 210-0628 / Cel: 9-923583472
- Inaki Uhi Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0231 / 255-1160
- Hanga Roa Reka Av. Simon Paoa Tel: 210-0433 / Fax: 210-0105
- Chez Oscar Av. Pont w/n Tel: 255-1261
- Aukara Av. Pont w/n Tel: 210-0539 / Fax: 255-1472
- Apina Tupuna Sector Apina Nui w/n Tel: 210-0763
- Anakena Av. Hetereki Tel/Fax: 210-0292
- Ana Rapu Av. Policarpo Toro Tel/Fax: 210-0540
- Aloha Nui Av. Atamu Tekena Tel/Fax: 210-0274
- Akapu Tahai s/n Tel: 210-0954
Guest Houses:
- Villa Tiki Av. Pont w/n Tel: 210-0327
- Tita Et Lionel Av. Te Pito Te Henua w/n Tel: 255-1279
- Tekena Inn Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0289
- Taniera Av. Simon Paoa w/n Tel: 210-0491
- Tahai Sector Tahai w/n Tel: 210-0395
- Tadeo y Lili Av. Policarpo Toro w/n Tel: 210-0422
- Puku Rangi Uka Av. Puku Rangi Uka w/n Tel: 210-0405
- Mahina Taka Taka Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0452
- Kona Tau Av. Avareipua w/n Tel: 210-0321
- Janet y Sandra Av. Atamu Tekena w/n
- El Tauke Av. Te Pito Te Henua w/n Tel: 210-0253
- Chez Jerome Policarpo Toro w/n Tel: 210-0590
- Chez Erika Tuki Haka He Vari w/n Tel: 210-0474
- Victoria Av. Pont w/n Tel: 210-0272
- Vai A Repa Av. Atamu Tekena Tel: 210-0105
- Topatangi Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 255-1694
- Topa Ra`a Hetereki w/n Tel: 210-0353
- Te Raái Rapa Nui Av. Kaituoe w/n Tel: 221-00983
- Te Maona Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0255
- Tavake Av. Policarpo Toro w/n Tel: 210-0300
- Poike Av. Petero Atamu w/n Tel: 210-0283
- Pea Calle Oho Vehi w/n
- Pea Policarpo Toro w/n Tel: 210-0382
- Pea Av. Atamu Tekena con Tu´u Maheke
- Orongo Av. Policarpo Toro w/n Tel: 210-0294
- Manutara Av. Hotu Matu´a w/n Tel: 210-0297
- Mama Sabina Te Pito o Te Henua w/n
- La Tinita Te Pito o Te Henua w/n Tel: 210-0105
- La Caleta Av. Te Pito o Te Henua Tel: 210-0105
- Kopa Kavana Av. Pont w/n Tel: 210-0447
- Kopa Kavana Av. Te Pito o Te Henua w/n Tel: 210-0105
- Kona Koa Calle Oho Vehi w/nKon Tutty Tel: 210-0570
- Kitai Policarpo Toro Tel: 210-0105
- Kai Mana Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0255
- Iorana Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0312
- Hotu Matu´a Av. Pont w/n Tel: 210-0444
- Hanga Roa Av. Pont w/n Tel: 210-0299
- Gringo`s Av. Policarpo Toro w/n
- Fuente de Soda Tavake Av. Atamu Tekena Tel: 210-0300 Fax: 210-0105
- Cuerito Regalón Av. Atamu Tekena w/n
- Avareipua Av.Policarpo Toro s/n Tel: 210-0105
Fish and Seafood:
- Pergola Aringa Ora Av. Hotu Matua w/n Tel: 210-0394
- Pakarati Service Ltda. Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 255-1740
- La Taverne Du Pecheur Caleta de Pescadores Hanga Roa Otai w/n Tel: 210-0651
- Regional Cuisine:Ariki Ote Pana Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0171
Restaurants and Coffee-shops:
- Ra'a Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 255-1530
- Vai Uri Museo Antropológico padre Sebastián Englert
- Banana Café Av. Policarpo Toro w/n
- Tupuna Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0344
Pizza Shops:
- Giovani Av. Te Pito o Te Henua Tel: 210-0105
Rent a Car:
- Boutique Kahu Tau Tel: 210-0538
- Comercial Insular Tel: 210-0480
- Oceanic Tel: 210-098
Travel and Tourist Agency:
- Aku Aku Tour Av. Tu'u Koihu 0 Tel: 255-1777 / 255-1537 Fax: 210-0770
- Anakena Tour Av. Apina Tel: 210-0292Ats Tel: 255-1611
- Hahave Tour Av. Tu'u Koihu Tel: 210-0257 Fax: 210-0105
- Hanga Roa Travel Av. Tu'u Koihu Tel: 255-1158
- Haumaka Tour Service Av. Puku Rangi Uka Tel: 210-0411
- Kararaku Tour Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 255-1064
- Kiakoe Tour Av. Atamu Tekena Tel: 210-0282
- Mahinatur Service Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0420 / 210-0220 Fax: 210-0105
- Mana Nui Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 210-0811 / 255-1658
- Manu Iti Tours Tu'u Koihu w/n Tel: 210-0313
- Portal Rapa Nui Av. Atamu Tekena w/n Tel: 255-2000
- Rapa Nui Travel Tel: 210-0548
- Tekena Tour Av. Policarpo Toro Tel: 210-0289
- Tiki Tour Av. Pont Hanga Roa Tel: 210-0327
- Toki Tour Aventura Av. Pont w/n Tel: 255-1026 / Cel: 9-82059721
- Orca Diving Center Caleta de Hanga Roa Tel: 255-0877
- P. Sebastian Englert Tahai w/n Tel/Fax: 255-1020 / 1
The most habitual access to the Easter Island is by air, which is served by LAN Chile, with two weekly flights. The flight there goes out of the airport Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez of Santiago and comes to Mataveri's airport, covering 3.700 Km in 6 flight schedule.
After Easter the plane continues flight course to Papeete, the capital of Tahiti.
By ship the trip lasts 6 days between Valparaiso and Hanga Roa.